First, last year at this time, James didn't have a job. One year later, James has a job that will pay him well and keep food in our mouths and diapers on our baby.
Last year, we weren't pregnant, which is a very good thing. This year, we are expecting our first, which is a girl, and can't wait to hold her in our arms and kiss her to death.
Last year, I was working at Subway and having fun. This year, I am not able to work, due to health of me and the baby, and still having fun. Also, talking with one of my friends that I met at Subway.
That is just a few things we have noticed that can happen in just one year. We are still madly in love with each other and help each other grow and be better in life. We are still getting to know each other a bit more but we love the challenge. We had fun one day while watching tv. We watched the Newlywed game and did really well. We thought it was great how well we talk to each other and are with each other when we can be. When James is home we try to be in the same room together, just so we can be close. One year, man, a lot can happen in this second year too. I love it.