Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pictures of the new apartment

I didn't want to be in picture so I stick out my tongue.
See...I told James not to do it.
Closet next to the bathroom. I guess this is where towels go.
Vanity...thy name is Rachel...haha. Just kidding.
The basthroom. I know its small but I like the bathtub anyways. It has some room.
Yes!!! I have a lot of clothes. And yes these are all mine.
The bed. Umm...I don't know what else to say aobut that.
The bedroom is big too. I like it. I can dance in it.
The small but convenient kitchen. And I have a dishwasher. YES!!!!!!!
I don't know why he took this pitcure because the table isn't up yet but...behind me is the dining room.
Part of the living room.
Other part of the living room. I like the little window in the wall. I think it is really cool.

Only James would take a pitcure with me bending over. Yes...I have a big buttock.

Well, that is the place. I know it is a mess right now but that is because of the fact that I havent' been able to unpack everything because of work and life. We will post more pitcures of the place when everything is unpacked and where it is suppose to be.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you! But I am way happy and excited for you! Wish I was in the same boat... oh well I guess.